My Announcement

Welcome to 『  Hyper Creative 3D  』 !

Team F Menu : Introduction

Hi everyone !

    This is a toolkit menu I designed to enhance working efficiency and save valuable time. It offers a wide range of tools and functions in each section, catering to various needs. These tools not only solved my problems, but helped out other departments as well, so I decided to share them for free in MoonShine studio. Stay tuned for more details in future updates !! it's only free to use if you are also an artist in MoonShine Studio. Please note that this is a beta version, and further improvements are underway. It's nowhere available online and is not considered for publishing, but don't worry about some useful tools inside. I'm planning to share or be on sale for some of it in the future.

Team F Menu Look :

(Maya Screen Shot)

Team F Menu Showcase :

【2021】- Initial Release
【2022】- Updates & Debugs
【2023】- Data Synthesis
【2024】- Rewrite & Upgrades (Planning)

- F A Q -

Q : Why is the menu named 「Team F」?
A : That's because when I initially designed this menu for my personal use, I envisioned that I would primarily use it in the studio. As a result, I decided to title it with the name of our team at that time in MoonShine Studio.

Q : What programming language was used to create this menu ?
A: Mainly Python and Mel, but most of it is py2, I'll update all of it to py3 for future Maya version 2022+ when there's spare time for me.

Q : How long does it take to develop the whole menu system ?
A: The menu and tools inside won't be completely finished in development since it's not intended for standard pipeline use. Instead, it's tailored for my personal workflow, and I will continuously add new tools and update functions. However, it took me one month to release the initial beta version (Including All Icon Designs).

Q : What time is this menu released in Moonshine Studio ?
A: I released it on 2021.06.22 from Moonshine Studio, but I had been using it myself for almost one and a half years before the release.

Q : How many functions and tools are there inside the menu ?
A: As of July 2023, there's a total of 200+ functions & Tools for different stages of use.

Q : How often does the menu updates ?
A: It's originally planned for once a month, but due to my busy schedule and limited time for management, updates tend to accumulate, resulting in a more substantial update once per season.

Q : Are all the icons in the menu designed by yourself ?
A : Mostly yes, although I do use some commonly used icons like folder, Help, or Info, which I obtain from free online sources, I always prefer making a newly designed icon by myself for it to look more unique.


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